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New posts in atomic

Basic spin-lock mutex implementation ordering

c++ multithreading atomic

Difference between memory_order_consume and memory_order_acquire

Can a database support "Atomicity" but not "Consistency" or vice-versa?

Is atomic decrementing more expensive than incrementing?

executing block of code atomically

java thread-safety atomic

No type named 'atomic' in namespace 'std'

c++ xcode c++11 std atomic

Why is memory_order given as a runtime argument to std::atomic functions

c++ c++11 atomic memory-model

AtomicXXX.lazySet(...) in terms of happens before edges

java concurrency atomic

Is python's shutil.move() atomic on linux?

python file unix atomic

C++11 atomics and intrusive shared pointer reference count

c++ c++11 shared-ptr atomic

How to implement thread safe reference counting in C++

Are increment operators in Go atomic on x86?

Do atomic operations become slower as more CPUs are added?

Atomic swap in GNU C++

c++ g++ atomic atomic-swap

Is std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak thread-unsafe by design?

c++ c++11 atomic

Atomic operations on `unique_ptr`

Difference between getAndSet and compareAndSet in AtomicBoolean

Why is reference assignment atomic in Java?

Is volatile int in C as good as std::atomic<int> of C++0x?

c c++11 atomic volatile

Is the "switch" statement evaluation thread-safe?