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New posts in atomic

How atomicity is achieved in the classes defined in java.util.concurrent.atomic package?

Is there any sense to make std::atomic<> objects with the qualifier - volatile?

c++ c++11 atomic

Oracle SQL: How to read-and-increment a field

sql database oracle atomic

Transactions in Redis with read operations

transactions redis atomic

What's the best way to do a cross-platform, atomic file replacement in Perl?

Requirements for std::thread::id. Can it be atomized?

Does the C11 keyword '_Atomic' count as type qualifier or specifier if followed by a whitespace and a left parenthesis?

c syntax grammar atomic c11

C++11 when increment the atomic variable, and assign it to other value, is it atomic operation?

Write an atomic operation

Is it normal that the gcc atomic builtins are so slow?

Atomicity of C# Coalescing Operator

C11/C++11 weak memory benchmarks

Can std::atomic cancel out increments with decrements?

For purposes of ordering, is atomic read-modify-write one operation or two?

C++20: How is the returning from atomic::wait() guaranteed by the standard?

Atomic operations on several transactionless external systems

transactions atomic

Is this C++ AtomicInt implementation correct?

c++ arm embedded atomic volatile

Do non-observable atomics synchronize memory?

pthreads v. SSE weak memory ordering

What is guaranteed with C++ std::atomic at the programmer level?