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New posts in atomic

Atomic load in C with MSVC

Go atomic.AddFloat32()

go floating-point add atomic

How fast is access to atomic variables in C++

c++ atomic c++11

Entity Framework Code First: SaveChanges is not atomic

Basic usage of conditionals with std::atomic<T>

c++ c++11 atomic

When should std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong be used?

Compare-and-Swap over POSIX-compliant filesystem objects

Atomic reads in C

Are haskell channels `Control.Concurrent.Chan` safe for multiple readers/producers?

haskell concurrency atomic

prevent std::atomic from overflowing

c++ c++11 atomic

Can two std::atomic's be part of one union?

c++ c++11 atomic

atomicAdd() for double on GPU

cuda atomic

Are MSIL opcodes atomic?

.net multithreading atomic cil

SQL Server : add row if doesn't exist, increment value of one column, atomic

Immutability of string and concurrency

Atomic operations: under the hood

computer-science atomic

How to do atomic file replacement? [duplicate]

How to create a file only if it doesn't exist?

c++ linux file atomic

How are Atoms implemented in Clojurescript?

AtomicBoolean vs Synchronized block, whats the difference