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New posts in asp.net-mvc-5.1

Why am I getting an IdentityRole error?

Why does @Html.EnumDropDownListFor add a blank(0) selection when you have numerically defined values for an enum?

.net enums asp.net-mvc-5.1

Changing default database of Identity/Membership authentication in ASP.NET MVC 5.1

Entity Framework hangs when using async calls

What is ManageController.cs in ASP.NET-MVC 5.1 and why it was created? It haven't been created by MVC's 5.1 template before

How to Implement OWIN and Katana in MVC 5Application

Microsoft Enhanced redirection security with OWIN/MVC5 auth

Overlap User Login in Two Projects with ASP.NET Identity

dotless on Azure Web Project doesn't understand &:extend

MVC - data calculations best practice - viewmodel vs. controller

How avoid adding duplicates to database managed by EntityFramework caused by Seed method?

AttributeRouting ActionLink helper rendering query string value instead of including parameter in route

OWIN rejects authentication cookie the next day

MVC Attribute Routing - Default Controller Index with GET and POST

Cant add new area in Visual Studio 2013 / ASP.NET MVC 5.1

Store does not implement IUserPasswordStore<TUser> ASP.NET Identity

Displaying DateTime picker instead of Date picker in ASP .NET MVC 5.1/HTML 5 specific

Request.Files.Count always 0 while uploading image in MVC 5