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New posts in asp.net-mvc-areas

No parameterless constructor, structuremap, new area

Bind a Global Action Filter to all Controllers in an Area using MVC 3 Dependency Injection with Ninject 2.2

Binding ListBox with a model in MVC3

Using Same Code in Different Mvc Solutions

Asp.NET MVC 2 Preview 2: Area's aspx namespace problem

Portable Areas Vs Multi project Areas?

MVC Areas Routing - Controller Folder with Folder

SimpleMembership password reset hyperlink 401 redirects even with AllowAnonymous

ASP.NET MVC 4 - 2 Areas With Segments, 1 Area Without

How to set Area view as home page in ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.NET MVC3 Area controller accessible from global routes?

publish two projects in same solution

Custom errors override in ASP.NET MVC area

Placing MVC Content folder into Area

MVC controller.Execute with areas

MVC Area Error Handling

asp.net MVC 3 applying AuthorizeAttribute to areas

How do I test area registration logic in MVC 3?

ASP.NET MVC3 – Areas in Separate Assemblies