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New posts in asp.net-mvc-5.1

Mvc 5.1 MissingMethodException System.Web.WebPages.TypeHelper.ObjectToDictionaryUncached

MVC 5.1 debug enabled doesn't disable Bundling and minification

Why doesn't SuppressFormsAuthenticationRedirect work in AuthorizeAttribute.HandleUnauthorizedRequest override?


Identity 2.0 Reset password by Admin

Password Recovery in ASP.NET MVC5

aspnet identity avoid simultaneous login same account

Jquery 2.1.1 in IE9 get error: 0x800a01b6 - Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'addEventListener'

Testing framework says entity has no key defined for built in entity

Turning HttpWebResponse into an HttpResponseMessage

Change username in MVC 5 [closed]

Why getting multiple instances of IMemoryCache in ASP.Net Core?

How to find the right route in a RouteCollectionRoute?

How to filter Request Response before reaching to Web Api controller

Getting latest Ninject working with latest MVC 5 / Web Api 2?

How to set the selected value in EnumDropDownListFor?


Predefined type System.Object is not defined or imported

MVC5.1 with Web API 2 and AngularJS

Asp.net razor textbox array for list items

Supporting Individual User Accounts AND Organizational Accounts in MVC5 / ASP.Net Identity 2