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APIController "Executed" method?

What's the best way to communicate between angularjs and mvc5?

Web API Controller Method -- Request is null

How to download binary file using ASP.net Web API and Javascript?

C# Web Api - IValidatableObject validationContext service provider is null

ASP.NET MVC 4 ApiController and Normal Controller Routes

How to send byte array in c# ApiController

Integration test causes Entity Framework to time out

Custom ApiExplorer with Namespace based ApiControllers

What does the [ApiController] attribute do? [duplicate]

TableController vs ApiController in Azure Mobile Apps

Conventional Routing in ASP.NET Core API

How to get the authentication header from a request sent to an ASP.NET core 2.0 API controller action

Passing JSON Array from Javascript to Web API Controller method

An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'TypeNewsController'

Why is anonymous user trying to access /admin/host/synctriggers?

Need to add custom header to request in unit test

ApiController vs ODataController when exposing DTOs