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Is it necessary to convert arguments to Array before calling apply?

R - Splitting Data, regression and applying equation to new split data set

r split apply

Pandas - remove duplicate rows except the one with highest value from another column

Applying a function to a MultiIndex pandas.DataFrame column

Why is apply not already bound to functions in Javascript?

Casting unique features in column to variable names and dummy coding original features into variables in R

r plyr apply reshape dplyr

Difference mapply and .mapply

r apply

Assigning apply to a variable

javascript apply

rbind matrices from a list of a list of matrices

r list apply

Improve efficiency for removing duplicate values per row and shift values in R

r dataframe data.table apply

How are apply family functions scoped?

r scope apply replicate

Why doesn't function.apply() work across document boundaries in IE?

Scala - omit parentheses from apply method for a DSL

scala dsl apply

MDN bind why concat arguments when calling apply

javascript bind apply

Duplicating some rows and changing some values in pandas

python pandas apply

Why apply() does not work on my dataframe in R?

r apply

Apply a custom function on an entire column of data.table?

Difference between apply and sapply for data frame columns?

r dataframe apply sapply

Using purrr rowwise instead of apply() on whole row

r apply purrr

Matching timestamped data to closest time in another dataset. Properly vectorized? Faster way?

r match apply