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R - Splitting Data, regression and applying equation to new split data set





I have a large data set that has older and newer data. I created two data frames, EarlyYears with the older data and LaterYears with the new data, so they have the same columns.

What I want to do is regress the data from Early years to determine an equation and apply it to the Later Years to test the equation's strength - A and B are constants, Input is what I am testing - I change it for different runs of the code - and Dummy is 1 is there is no data for the input. However, I want to split both the EarlyYears and LaterYears data by quintiles of one of the variables, and apply the equation found in quintile 1 of EarlyYears to data from LaterYears that is in quintile 1. I am fairly new at R, and so far have:

Model<-data.frame(Date = rep(c("3/31/09","3/31/11"),each = 20), 
InputRating = rep(c(1:5), 8), Dummy = rep(c(rep(0,9),1),4),
Y = rep(1,3,5,7,11,13,17,19), A = 1:40,B = 1:40*3+7)
later<-as.numeric(grep("/11",Model$Date,invert = TRUE))


DataSet.Input<-data.frame(Date = newModel$Date, InputRating = newModel$InputRating, 
Dummy = newModel$Dummy, Y = newModel$Y, A = newModel$A,B = newModel$B)
quintiles<-quantile(DataSet.Input$A,probs=c(0.2,0.4,0.6, 0.8, 1.0))

FUN = function(SplitData) { 
SplitRegression<-lm(Y ~ A + B + InputRating + Dummy, data = SplitData, na.action = na.omit) 
c(coef.Intercept = coef(summary(SplitRegression))[1],
coef.A = coef(summary(SplitRegression))[2], 
coef.B = coef(summary(SplitRegression))[3],
coef.Input = coef(summary(SplitRegression))[4],
coef.Dummy= coef(summary(SplitRegression))[5])

i = 0
quintiles.LY<-quantile(LaterYears$A,probs=c(0.2,0.4,0.6, 0.8, 1.0))

LaterYears$ExpectedValue <-apply(split(LaterYears,Quint.LY),1,
FUN = function(SplitData) {
  regressionData[i,1]+regressionData[i,2]*SplitData$A +
  regressionData[i,3]*SplitData$B + regressionData[i,4]*SplitData$Input +

The first part works great to get the data in regressionData. I want this results of applying the equation to be held in a column within the LaterYears dataset, but I get an error -

Error in apply(split(LaterYears, Quint.LY), 1, FUN = function(SplitData) { :
dim(X) must have a positive length

when running this with apply, and blank when running with lapply which is what I originally tried.

Any help with how to fix this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

like image 350
user1775563 Avatar asked Oct 04 '22 23:10


1 Answers

Perhaps something like this, using predict would be better. It doesn't work very well for your example data but it may work on the real data.

# by, splits a dataset by a factor
regressionData <- by(DataSet.Input,VarQuint,
                     function(d) {
                       lm1 <- lm(Y ~ A + B + InputRating + Dummy, d)


LaterYearsPredict <- split(LaterYears,Quint.LY)

# lapply's arguments can be anything that is a sequence
LaterYears$ExpectedValue <- unlist(lapply(1:length(LaterYearsPredict),
like image 153
Brandon Bertelsen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

Brandon Bertelsen