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New posts in apache-zookeeper

Implementing deadlock detection with Apache ZooKeeper

Redis - Handling Failover and Load Balancing?

Zookeeper: how to rename, copy or move a path?


Zookeeper sessions keep expiring...no heartbeats?

Kafka Java consumer works only for localhost and fails for remote server

ConnectionLoss for /hbase + Connection reset by peer?

hbase apache-zookeeper

Kafka consumer: fetching topic metadata for topics from broker [ArrayBuffer(id:0,host:user-Desktop,port:9092)] failed

Solr issue: ClusterState says we are the leader, but locally we don't think so

zookeeper server not running

Exception while trying to fetch data from zookeeper node: (KeeperErrorCode: ConnectionLoss )

java apache-zookeeper

Zookeeper zkCli.sh create switches documentation


Load Balancer with Zookeeper

Not able to connect to kafka server on google compute engine from local machine

Why do we need to mention Zookeeper details even though Apache Kafka configuration file already has it?

Kafka cached zkVersion not equal to that in zookeeper broker not recovering

Hive/HBase Integration - Zookeeper Session Closes Immediately

Slow leadership election with apache zookeeper+curator

I need my Spring Boot WebApplication to restart in JUnit

Leader election with: Etcd vs Zookeeper vs Hazelcast

ZooKeeper - adding peers dynamically?