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New posts in apache-zookeeper

Hbase API through sock proxy

Update a file in zookeeper with zkcli


Query regarding Zookeeper Windows API start/stop, using Zk as a windows service(using prunsrv)

Kafka suddenly reset the consumer Offset

Zookeeper keeps getting the WARN: "caught end of stream exception"

apache-zookeeper flume

kafka cant connect to zookeeper- FATAL Fatal error during KafkaServerStable startup

Zookeeper and SolrCloud on AWS EC2 instances

How to get the IP of current leader master from the quorum?

How can I update a configuration file on zookeeper?

Replacing Bad Node in Zookeeper Quorum Safely

Cannot connect to single-node Kafka server through Docker

WARN Session 0x0 for server null, unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect

How change topic leader or remove partition after some broker down?

How to implement Chubby-style lock sequencers with ZooKeeper?

Resolving the Mesos Leading Master

apache-zookeeper mesos

kafka java producer stuck in producing message

Why is kafka not creating a topic? bootstrap-server is not a recognized option

Starting Zookeeper Cluster. Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain

Classpath is empty. Please build the project first e.g. by running './gradlew jar -PscalaVersion=2.11.12'

Best way to start Zookeeper automatically on Ubuntu Server 14.04?