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simplify simple C++ code -- something like Pythons any

c++ python any

Using array.prototype.some inside ngIf

Convenient 'Option<Box<Any>>' access when success is assured?

rust any

jq select attribute if any array element satisfies a condition

json select jq any

jq: select when any value is in array

Type intersections using any

Applying "or" function to more than two vectors Matlab

matlab function vector any

What does Any() mean in this LINQ query?

c# linq any

how to use python's any

python any

can you switch over a std::any.type()?

c++ c++17 any

Swift Generics vs Any

Check if any element of Eigen::Matrix is different from zero

c++ matrix eigen any

How to write C function accepting (one) argument of any type

c types variadic any

AnyObject vs. Struct (Any)

ios swift struct any anyobject

Prolog program to find equality of two lists in any order

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Parallel "any" or "all" in Haskell

Python: any() unexpected performance

Python any() + generator expression

Find rows where text array contains value similar to input

Are SQL ANY and SOME keywords synonyms in all SQL dialects?

sql subquery any sql-standards