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New posts in ansible

Run Ansible handlers based on changed results in multiple loops

ansible ansible-playbook

Complex string concatenation in jinja/ansible template

Jinja: variable inside string inside if statement

How to filter dictionaries in Jinja?

How to get just the version of the software when using ansible_facts.packages["zabbix-agent"]

ansible ansible-facts

How can i run ansible command if certain file changed

ansible ansible-playbook

How to start Docker containers on boot, managed with Ansible (Tower)

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Ansible - how to concatenate files contents into a variable

ansible authorized-keys

Getting the IP address/attributes of the AWS instance created using Ansible

How to keep local roles separated from the ones loaded from ansible-galaxy?

ansible ansible-playbook

Ansible find object in list by value of object field


Ansible check if key/value pair exists in list of dictionaries

ansible ansible-2.x

Installing PHP Pear packages via Ansible with idempotency

php pear ansible idempotent

Ansible escape * in regex

regex ansible

Becoming non root user in ansible fails


How to enforce the order of with_dict in Ansible?

loops ansible

How to stop the playbook if one play fails

ansible ansible-playbook

Ansible timezone module fails (different reasons on different OSes)

ansible ansible-2.x

best way to modify json in ansible

json ansible

copy files to server from relative path in ansible