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Ansible check if key/value pair exists in list of dictionaries

I am trying to check if a certain key/value pair exists in a list of dictionaries in Ansible.

I found this question, however I am not sure if the syntax differs from python to ansible (I have never seen an if statement in ansible!) Check if value already exists within list of dictionaries?

I have already tried the when condition:

  when: '"value" not in list'

however I have not had any luck with that.

For example, list looks something like:

list: [
   "key1" : "value1",
   "key2" : "value2",
   "key3" : "value3"
   "key1" : "value4",
   "key2" : "value5",
   "key3" : "value6"
   and so on

And I am trying to find out, for example, whether the pair "key2":"value5" exists within any of the dictionaries in the list. Hopefully there is a way to do this that just gives true if the pair exists, false if not?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

like image 325
astrade Avatar asked Jul 06 '17 18:07


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1 Answers

Here you go:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    list_of_dicts: [
     "key1" : "value1",
     "key2" : "value2",
     "key3" : "value3"
     "key1" : "value4",
     "key2" : "value5",
     "key3" : "value3"
    - debug:
        msg: found
      when: list_of_dicts | selectattr(search_key,'equalto',search_val) | list | count > 0
        search_key: key3
        search_val: value3
like image 194
Konstantin Suvorov Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 18:10

Konstantin Suvorov