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In Ansible, how to use a variable inside a variable definition that uses filters

I want to extract a few regex matches out of a URL. The only way I could do this was following:

  - name: Set regex pattern for github URL
    set_fact: pattern="^(git\@github\.com\:|https?\:\/\/github.com\/)(.*)\/([^\.]+)(\.git)?$"

  - name: Extract organization name
    set_fact: project_repo="{{ deploy_fork | regex_replace( "^(git\@github\.com\:|https?\:\/\/github.com\/)(.*)\/([^\.]+)(\.git)?$", "\\3" ) }}"
    when: deploy_fork | match( "{{ pattern }}" )

With this approach, I'm able to reuse the variable pattern in the match filter, but not on the set_fact line where I assign the extracted text to another variable. Is there any way to reuse the variable in set_fact that uses filter(s) ?

like image 564
Nikhil Owalekar Avatar asked Oct 13 '15 20:10

Nikhil Owalekar

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1 Answers

You should just be able to reference the defined variables directly. Try this; it worked for me:

- name: Set regex pattern for github URL
  set_fact: pattern="^(git\@github\.com\:|https?\:\/\/github.com\/)(.*)\/([^\.]+)(\.git)?$"
- name: Extract organization name
  set_fact: project_repo="{{ deploy_fork | regex_replace(pattern, "\\3" ) }}"
  when: deploy_fork | match(pattern)
like image 173
Dan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09
