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How to get just the version of the software when using ansible_facts.packages["zabbix-agent"]

I'm having an issue with using the package_facts module in Ansible. Basically, I just want to get the version of zabbix-agent installed as I need to do some stuff depending on which version is installed.

Now I got this in a playbook task:

- name: Gather Installed Packages Facts
    manager: "auto"
    - zabbix-check

- name: "Zabbix Found test result"
  debug: var=ansible_facts.packages['zabbix-agent']
  when: "'zabbix-agent' in ansible_facts.packages"
    - zabbix-check

- name: "Zabbix Not-found test result"
    msg: "Zabbix NOT found"
  when: "'zabbix-agent' not in ansible_facts.packages"
    - zabbix-check

Which spits out something like this:

ok: [vm3] => {
    "ansible_facts.packages['zabbix-agent']": [
            "arch": "x86_64", 
            "epoch": null, 
            "name": "zabbix-agent", 
            "release": "1.el7", 
            "source": "rpm", 
            "version": "4.0.10"
ok: [vm4] => {
    "ansible_facts.packages['zabbix-agent']": [
            "arch": "x86_64", 
            "epoch": null, 
            "name": "zabbix-agent", 
            "release": "1.el7", 
            "source": "rpm", 
            "version": "3.2.11"

I want to get the value of that "Version": "3.2.11" so that I can store that in a variable and use that later. I've seen that post using yum and doing some json query but that won't work for me.

like image 541
Francis Lee Mondia Avatar asked Jul 03 '19 03:07

Francis Lee Mondia

2 Answers

For some reason (probably because of more versions of the same package might be installed), the value of the package dictionary is a list. A simple solution is to take the first element

    - set_fact:
        za_ver: "{{ ansible_facts.packages['zabbix-agent'][0].version }}"
      when: "'zabbix-agent' in ansible_facts.packages"

To take into the account the possibility of more versions installed, use map filter

    - set_fact:
        za_ver: "{{ ansible_facts.packages['zabbix-agent']|
                    list }}"
      when: "'zabbix-agent' in ansible_facts.packages"

Below is the equivalent with json_query filter

    - set_fact:
        za_ver: "{{ ansible_facts.packages['zabbix-agent']|
                    json_query('[].version') }}"
      when: "'zabbix-agent' in ansible_facts.packages"
like image 162
Vladimir Botka Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10

Vladimir Botka

Is there a way to debug if the version matches a specific value?

  - set_fact:
      pkg_ver: "{{ ansible_facts.packages['{{ item.package_name }}'][0].version }}"
    loop: "{{ lookup('dict', packagesToValidate) }}"
    when: "'{{ item.package_name }}' in ansible_facts.packages" and inventory_hostname in item.hosts

being packagesToValidate a dictionary containing hosts, version and package name to validate?

like image 1
Eunito Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10
