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New posts in ansible-facts

Discover management IP and use it in a template

ansible ansible-facts

Use facts gathered by ansible programmatically

Use Ansible facts in an Ansible ad-hoc command

using if condition to assign True or False to gather_facts in Ansible doesnt work

Amazon Linux machine - Ansible ansible_distribution* variables major release distribution

'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout' in Ansible Playbook

Ansible - use fact from local host in remote host template

ansible ansible-facts

ansible shell task erroring out without proper message

Getting MAC address from Ansible facts in role

Create set_fact variables in one role and use them in an other

ansible ansible-facts

Ansible not reporting distribution info on Ubuntu 20.04?

Ansible: Using ansible facts, how can I get a disk device based on the storage controller value and then set the device as a variable

ansible ansible-facts

Undefined variable when running Ansible play

Ansible - include vars file from remote host

How to get just the version of the software when using ansible_facts.packages["zabbix-agent"]

ansible ansible-facts

copy files to server from relative path in ansible

Ansible: specify inventory file inside playbook

Best way to get the IP address of the Ansible control machine

ansible ansible-facts

How to use a dictionary of registered ansible variables in vars?

ansible ansible-facts

How to store command output into array in Ansible?