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New posts in ansible

Call ssh-copy-id in an Ansible playbook - How to handle password prompt?

Ansible update user password


password not being accepted for sudo user with ansible

Ansible loop - how to match up template values with with_items?

Ansible - How to check the physical memory and free disk is greater than some value?

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Ansible: Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate and Key

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Ansible: How to stop an EC2 instance started by a different playbook

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Ansible variable name `environment` is reserved?


How can I ignore an element from a list when looping through with Jinja?

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How to add a host to the known_host file with ansible?

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splitting string by whitespace and then joining it again in ansible/jinja2

ansible jinja2

Shared connection to server failed (trying to run an Ansible playbook)

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Ansible issuing warning about localhost

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Redirect command output to file (existing command)

bash ansible

Compare version numbers using jinja2

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Read Ansible variables of another group


Specifying the OS - Ansible

Run a module locally


Ansible synchronize mode permissions

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is it possible to add ansible_ssh_common_args in inventory file