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New posts in salt-stack

Saltstack create user : password is not set


What are "states" when using SaltStack?


Salt custom grains

python salt-stack

State in SLS file is not formed as a list

yaml salt-stack

How to perform an unattended installation of Sitecore?

Defining states depending on existance of a file/directory


Salt: use script output as "source string"

cron salt-stack

Conditional Salt State


Salt's mine.get command works on CLI but not in a jinja template

python salt-stack

How do I get status, logs of last run `state.highstate` in Salt?

python salt-stack

SaltStack: Reverse engineering where a file comes from

Saltstack master can't find execution module, says not available

python salt-stack

How can I check if AWS S3 sync has any changes?

SaltStack: $HOME of users which does not exist yet

Salt-Stack does watch imply require


Saltstack - Preview Highstate


salt-stack highstate - find slow states


What open ports are required on firewall to allow for salt-stack remote execution?