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New posts in salt-stack

A quick guide on Salt-based install of Spark cluster

salt-stack : adding grains to minion or to top file

python jinja2 salt-stack

Passing variables with include in salt-stack


Monitoring SaltStack


SaltStack modules vs states

python salt-stack

what's the big difference between execution modules and state modules

salt salt-stack

Vagrant with salt provisioner doesn't show any output

ubuntu vagrant salt-stack

Is there a way to log a debug message in saltstack out of an .sls or a .jnija file?


Creating AWS EC2 instance image using saltstack?

Trigger event on Master and wait for "response event" on Salt Minion


Chef like version management in salt stack?

How to run state.highstate for a particular environment?


Saltstack grouping commands

python salt-stack

How to set root password using salt states


Are conditionals in salt stack pillar templates secure?


What is the difference between defaults and context options in file.managed salt state?


How do I make one custom state dependent on another?


How do I implement a 'pillar.example' from a SaltStack Formula?


How can I make multiple replacements on the same file using one saltstack state?

Regex matching in jinja2 filters (for use in saltstack)

regex jinja2 salt-stack