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Extract last character of string with ansible and regex_replace filter

Ansible strip white space

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Ansible synchronize prompts passphrase even if already entered at the beginning

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Get entire bucket or more than one objects from AWS S3 bucket through Ansible

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Ansible: sudo without password

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Split ansible role's tasks into multiple files


How to conditionally execute group of tasks on ansible?


How can I apply a tag to every command in an Ansible tasks file?


Execute .exe on Windows with Ansible

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Test if a server is reachable from host and has port open with Ansible


Ansible: "sudo: a password is required\r\n" [duplicate]

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Ansible, how to join multiple arrays in a single file?


Restart service when service file changes when using Ansible

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Ansible w/ Docker - Show current Container state

Ansible command to check the java version in different servers

Ansible apt build-dep: "No package matching ..."

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Ansible: to how make Paramiko use ~/.ssh/config?

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Ansible variable override default in another role


Ansible playbook using private git role dependency