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How can I apply a tag to every command in an Ansible tasks file?



The Ansible best-practices documentation has this example code:

# file: roles/common/tasks/main.yml

- name: be sure ntp is installed
  yum: name=ntp state=installed
  tags: ntp

- name: be sure ntp is configured
  template: src=ntp.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ntp.conf
    - restart ntpd
  tags: ntp

- name: be sure ntpd is running and enabled
  service: name=ntpd state=running enabled=yes
  tags: ntp

I'm looking to avoid duplicating the tags: ntp line. Is it possible for each of these instructions to inherit a tag?

like image 809
Ryre Avatar asked Apr 04 '16 18:04


People also ask

How do you pass tags in Ansible?

ansible-playbook offers five tag-related command-line options: --tags all - run all tasks, ignore tags (default behavior) --tags [tag1, tag2] - run only tasks with either the tag tag1 or the tag tag2. --skip-tags [tag3, tag4] - run all tasks except those with either the tag tag3 or the tag tag4.

How do I pass multiple tags in Ansible?

Along with ansible-playbook command, use --tags or -t flag and pass the tag name to run only that particular task. You can also pass more than one tags to --tags flag by separating the values with commas. To skip particular tags and run all other tags, you can use --skip-tags flag.

When using Ansible What is the primary purpose to use tags in your playbooks?

Instead of running an entire Ansible playbook, use tags to target the specific tasks you need to run. As a frequent Ansible user, I'm always looking at ways to simplify my playbooks and save time during playbook debugging. One of my favorite features for writing robust Ansible playbooks is its support for tags.

2 Answers

You could work with - block:

➜  ~ cat become.yml
- hosts: localhost
  user: vagrant
   - block:
      - shell: whoami
        register: result

      - debug: var=result.stdout

      - name: become_root_user
        become: true
        become_user: root
        shell: whoami
        register: sudo_test_result

      - debug: var=sudo_test_result.stdout
      - block1
   - block:
      - name: creating_new_app_user
        become: true
        become_user: root
        become_method: sudo
        user: name=app_user password=Bzs310di86b6E groups="adm,sudo" system=yes state=present

      - name: become_app_user
        become: true
        become_user: app_user
        become_method: sudo
        shell: whoami
        register: app_user_test_result

      - debug: var=app_user_test_result.stdout
      - block2

~ ansible-playbook -i realtime-automation/hosts-slaves become.yml --tags "block1"

In your specific case:

- block:
    - name: be sure ntp is installed
      yum: name=ntp state=installed

    - name: be sure ntp is configured
      template: src=ntp.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ntp.conf
        - restart ntpd

    - name: be sure ntpd is running and enabled
      service: name=ntpd state=running enabled=yes
  tags: ntp
like image 59
Raul Hugo Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10

Raul Hugo

Before v2 this could be achieved assigning a tag to an 'include'

Move this task to a different file, say ntp.yml

# file: roles/common/tasks/ntp.yml

- name: be sure ntp is installed
  yum: name=ntp state=installed

- name: be sure ntp is configured
  template: src=ntp.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ntp.conf
    - restart ntpd

- name: be sure ntpd is running and enabled
  service: name=ntpd state=running enabled=yes

And then include it in main.yml

# file: roles/common/tasks/main.yml
- include: ntp.yml
  tags: ntp
like image 28
shaps Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10
