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New posts in anonymous-function

Anonymous functions as event handlers in Action Script - good or bad?

How to make anonymous functions with local parameters

Is there a 'self' to refer own struct in MATLAB?

Julia anonymous functions and performance

Constructing a lambda expression using an underscore

Fixed-Point Combinators

How to write an anonymous function with a variable number of output arguments?

set 'help' for matlab anonymous functions

How can I approximate Python's or operator for set comparison in Scala?

What precisely is a construct in JavaScript?

Anonymous function and local variables

Scala method types and methods as parameters

setTimeout() on recursive function within a self invoking function

Different behavior of val and var with an anonymous function and a placeholder

using anonymous functions in R with multiple arguments

How to use conditions within an anonymous function

What is the context of an anonymous function?

Slow performance using anonymous functions in MATLAB... have others noticed this?

Is there syntactic sugar for binding a value inside an anonymous function in Scala?

Haskell Lambda functions -- two seemingly equivalent functions, one works and the other is erroneous