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New posts in anonymous-function

Passing anonymous function as callback in Javascript

Pass FieldName as a Parameter

What is the difference between (function(){ /* ... */ })(); and (function(){ /* ... */ }()); [duplicate]

improving performance of matlab code with anonymous-function bottlenecks

type inference in argument list in combination with setter not working

efficiency of anonymous function storage

Please help me understand Javascript anonymous functions and jQuery .proxy()

Is there a way NOT to capture $this in a PHP anonymous function?

Wrapping variables in anonymous functions in PHP

Multiline anonymous function in Matlab? [duplicate]

How to use anonymous functions for mutate_each (and summarise_each)? [duplicate]

r dplyr anonymous-function

Scope of variables with a function within a function?

Test helper for expected events sequence reporting duplicate events

Odd difference between named and anonymous functions when using the threading macro

How do I create a partial function with generics in scala?

Scala closures compared to Java innerclasses -> final VS var

How to use Java 8 Stream API under Android 6.0

Named Function Expressions in IE, part 2

JavaScript anonymous function expression vs IIFE

PHP Anonymous function with array_walk

php anonymous-function