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Is there a way NOT to capture $this in a PHP anonymous function?

I have a PHP code that looks like this:

class A {
    public function __construct() {
        $this->b = new B(function($x) { return $x + 1; });

class B {
    public function __construct($dataProcessingFunction) {
        $this->dataProcessingFunction = $dataProcessingFunction;

    public function processData($data) {
        $f = $this->dataProcessingFunction;
        return $f($data);

But there is a problem: I absolutely need B's destructor to be called before A's destructor. This seems reasonable as you can see. The B object doesn't need any A, so there should be no problem.

But since PHP 5.4.0, closures seem to automatically capture implicitly $this. Therefore, the lambda function that I pass to B and that is stored by B contains a reference to A.

Which means that A contains a pointer to B, and B contains a pointer to A (through the closure). In this kind of situation, the PHP documentation says that destructors are only called on garbage collection and in a random order. And guess what: B's destructor is always called before A's.

Is there a way to solve this in a elegant way?

like image 720
Tomaka17 Avatar asked Dec 12 '12 20:12


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Yes, use a closure: functionName($someArgument, function() use(&$variable) { $variable = "something"; }); Note that in order for you to be able to modify $variable and retrieve the modified value outside of the scope of the anonymous function, it must be referenced in the closure using & . It's new!

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1 Answers

Thanks to Explosion Pills, I've found the solution in the Closure class.

You can in fact change the $this stored inside the closure, like this:

$cb = function($x) { return $x + 1; };
$cb = $cb->bindTo(null);

// now $cb doesn't contain a pointer to $this anymore

Note that you can't do this, or you'll get a syntax error:

// syntax error
$cb = (function($x) { return $x + 1; })->bindTo(null);
like image 78
Tomaka17 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
