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How to create multiple instances of IIFE Javascript module?

iife javascript

JavaScript Bang "!" Functions vs Leading Semi-Colon ";" IIFEs

Self invoking functions javascript

javascript browser iife

Why is one variable undefined outside of the IIFE while the other is not?

javascript scope iife

Is there any difference between putting function call on a self-executing javascript function before or after final parenthesis [duplicate]

Should you use IIFE with RequireJS

javascript requirejs iife

Wrapping my gulpfile in an immediately-invoked function expression

javascript gulp iife

C++: Is initializing a static local variable with a IIFE thread-safe?

c++ lambda thread-safety iife

JS: How to change variable in function (IIFE)

Function Declaration vs Function Expression in the Module Pattern

How to concisely assign and immediately invoke a function variable?

Immediately invoked function expression throws "object is not a function"

javascript iife

how to define constants for Angular JS in a different file

javascript angularjs iife

IIFE in Swift Language

swift iife

What are the different ways of writing an IIFE? What are their use cases?

javascript function iife

Immediately Invoked Function Expression: Where to put the parenthesis?

javascript iife

Difference between an IIFE and non-IIFE in JavaScript Modular approach

javascript module iife

JavaScript anonymous function expression vs IIFE