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Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) In JavaScript - Passing jQuery

javascript jquery iife

Rollup: globals & external

iife rollupjs

IIFE in AngularJS

javascript angularjs iife

IIFE context issues

javascript this iife

Difference between using void vs wrapping in parens for IIFE void function() vs (function())

javascript iife

What is this line at the top of some Greasemonkey scripts?

Bootstrap Function Declaration [duplicate]

Namespacing with IIFE in ES6?

Javascript why wrap a variable or constructor in an IIFE?

javascript iife

understanding $ vs. jQuery in iife instead of $

jquery iife

Load and consume legacy JS modules (e.g. IIFEs) via ES6 module imports

Why is this grouping operator + function immediately invoked

javascript iife

Using Named Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) instead of comments

Should I use IIFE or window onload to initialize?

javascript dom-events iife

How do I import an IIFE-based JavaScript module into an Angular TypeScript app?

Immediate functions JavaScript

javascript function iife

Why are parentheses required around JavaScript IIFE? [duplicate]

javascript iife

Why is the named IIFE logged instead of the variable with the same name?

javascript iife

Why does TypeScript pack a class in an IIFE?

Create a JS class: IIFE vs return prototype