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Create a JS class: IIFE vs return prototype

Let's see two examples in which I'll try to explain what I want to understand.

var Car = function(){
  // Init class
  function Car() { };
  // Private func/vars
  var private = { color:'red' };
  // Public func/vars
  Car.prototype = {
    newColor: function(color) { private.color = color },
    getColor: function() { return private.color }

  return Car.prototype; // return with prototype

var myCar = new Car();


var Car = (function(){
  // Init class
  function Car() { };
  // Private func/vars
  var private = { color:'red' };
  // Public func/vars
  Car.prototype = {
    newColor: function(color) { private.color = color },
    getColor: function() { return private.color }

  return Car; // avoid prototype adding parentheses on next line;

var myCar = new Car();

Let's see!, Both class are created as function expression and both work equally. The only differences between them, are: The first return the Car function with its prototype property. The second works returning the Car function, avoiding the prototype property and instead use IIFE.

What's the differences between use return Car.prototype; and avoid IIFE and use return Car; using IIFE (parentheses at the end of the class declaration).

like image 903
Nestor Britez Avatar asked Nov 05 '12 04:11

Nestor Britez

People also ask

Should I use class or prototype JavaScript?

To answer your question simply, there is no real difference. Straight from the MDN web docs definition: JavaScript classes, introduced in ECMAScript 2015, are primarily syntactical sugar over JavaScript's existing prototype-based inheritance.

Are JavaScript classes prototypes?

Classes are a template for creating objects. They encapsulate data with code to work on that data. Classes in JS are built on prototypes but also have some syntax and semantics that are not shared with ES5 class-like semantics.

Why should one use ES6 classes?

ES6 classes are syntactic sugar for the prototypical class system we use today. They make your code more concise and self-documenting, which is reason enough to use them (in my opinion).

What is the difference between class and function in JavaScript?

One key distinction between functions and classes was highlighted in this talk which suggests that a function is a behavior that can carry data while, inversely, a class is data that can carry behavior.

1 Answers

The second code sample is the proper way to achieve what you're looking for. You create an immediately-executing function, inside of which you create a new function, add to its prototype, and then return it.

The first example is a bit odd, and doesn't quite create a constructor function properly. The line

return Car.prototype; // return with prototype

causes your Car function to simply always return the object literal that you had previously assigned to Car.prototype. This overrides the normal behavior of a function invoked with new

Just one thing to note, this line:

Car.prototype = {
   newColor: function(color) { private.color = color },
   getColor: function() { return private.color }

will cause the constructor property of newly create objects to no longer point to your Car function. There are two easy ways to fix this if this is important to you.

Car.prototype = {
   newColor: function(color) { private.color = color },
   getColor: function() { return private.color }
Car.prototype.constructor = Car;   // <-------- add this line

Or change the above to

Car.prototype.newColor = function(color) { private.color = color };
Car.prototype.getColor = function() { return private.color };
like image 142
Adam Rackis Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 02:10

Adam Rackis