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New posts in anonymous-function

How to return value from anonymous function in js

Logical short-circuit inside a function handle

Self-calling anonymous function without declaring as variable

Successive function application in MATLAB

How to get Scala function's parameters / return type?

Possible to have C++ anonymous functions with boost?

Purpose of PHP use keyword in array_map() function?

php anonymous-function

Scala - Recursion of an anonymous function

Anonymous Functions calling themselves in MATLAB

matlab anonymous-function

Using self invoking anonymous functions

setting NaNs to zero in an anonymous function inline

Using 'self' in an anonymous callback?

php anonymous-function

R anonymous function: capture variables by value

r lambda anonymous-function

How do you use an anonymous function inside a class in PHP?

php anonymous-function

Slow anonymous function

How to call anonymus function from string

Understanding anonymous functions PHP

Laravel 4 - Container class: share function & closure logic

php closure in anonymous function and reference &

Conditional element replacement using cellfun