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New posts in anonymous-function

How to pass functions as arguments to other functions in Julia without sacrificing performance?

What is this line at the top of some Greasemonkey scripts?

Anonymous function converted to a void returning delegate cannot return a value

javascript: how to refer to an anonymous function within the function itself?

How to pass object context to an anonymous function?

Passing and saving anonymous function in matlab

matlab anonymous-function

Is there a way in Delphi to assign an anonymous method to a button event?

How unperformant are anonymous functions in React component attributes?

Do you need to "unwire" an anonymous function/lambda

Why is this anon subroutine declaration parsed as an indirect object method in Perl?

Declaring an anonymous function within new stdClass

php anonymous-function

Evaluate code block in a function parameter in lua

"this" inside an anonymous function?

How to call a method inside a javascript object

PHP closures and implicit global variable scope

Is there += for window.onload in Javascript?

Kotlin: What are named lambda arguments used for?

What's the scope of a Javascript variable declared in a for() loop?

Scala Generic Function Values (Anonymous Function) - Missing Parameter Type (Error)

Why is the result of two function definitions joined by a comma?