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New posts in anonymous-function

Anonymous Function/Closure and using self:: or static::

Matlab function handle workspace shenanigans

Differences Between Named and Unnamed Anonymous Javascript Functions

C#: Anonymous method vs Named method

Multiple return points in scala closure/anonymous function

Converting code with Anonymous functions to PHP 5.2

php anonymous-function

Use variables inside an anonymous function, which is defined somewhere else

Creating anonymous functions in loop with not the same arguments

Are anonymous functions allowed?

How can I create curried anonymous function in scala?

How does this let expression work?

What is the type of a lambda function?

Return anonymous functions

Recursive anonymous functions in SML

Are lambda functions faster than delegates/anonymous functions?

MATLAB: Performance problem with anonymous functions

Anonymous function with a variable-length argument list

matlab anonymous-function

JavaScript - Return from anonymous function (varScope)

TypeScript anonymous function

PHP 7.2 - How to create anonymous function dynamically when having function body in a string