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PHP closures and implicit global variable scope

Is there a way that one can implicitly declare top-level variables as global for use in closures?

For example, if working with code such as this:


    ->addBeta('myBeta', function($obj){
            ->addGamma('myGamma', function($obj){
                    ->addDelta('myDelta', function($obj){
            ->addGamma('myGamma', function($obj){

                $a++; //OUT OF MY SCOPE


The closures are called from a method as such:

    public function __construct($name, $closure = null){
        $this->_name = $name;
        is_callable($closure) ? $closure($this) : null;

So in summary/TL;DR, is there a way to implicitly declare variables as global for use in closures (or other functions I suppose) without making use of the global keyword or $GLOBALS super-global?

I started this topic at another forum I frequent (http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?p=3905718#post3905718)

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Dan Lugg Avatar asked Oct 29 '10 17:10

Dan Lugg

1 Answers

You have to declare them in the closure definition:

->addBeta('myBeta', function($obj) use ($a) { // ...

Otherwise you must use the global keyword. You have to do this for every closure that uses $a too.

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rojoca Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10
