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New posts in android-vectordrawable

Load vector drawables from an online location android

How to generate png from vector drawable launcher icon with minSdkVersion 21?

Check if DrawableRes is VectorDrawable

Restart AnimatorSet of AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat

How to fit VectorDrawable to ImageView and remove unnecessary paddings

Unit of viewportWidth and viewportHeight in case VectorDrawable

Understanding Android's VectorDrawable properties

Increase VectorDrawable icon stroke in xml

VectorDrawable causes NumberFormatException

Why does Android Studio create the ic_launcher_foreground in res/drawable-v24 and the ic_launcher_background.xml in res/drawable?

Is there a straightforward way to measure the distance between a point and a VectorDrawable group?

How to animate a VectorDrawable in a fluid-like manner?

Load a vector drawable into imageview from sd card

How to access or translate text in Vector Drawables