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New posts in android-vectordrawable

How can I use vectorDrawable as icon for push notifications using Android Support Library 23.2? setSmallIcon gives error

Android circle checkmark animation

Android VectorDrawable as Compound Drawables

Vector Drawable Not Overwritten by Build Variant Flavor Dimension

VectorDrawableCompat and Canvas rotate, drawable disappears at 90/270 degrees

Android xml bundle format doesn't recognize aapt properties

Animated Vector Drawable using compat library even on API 22 device

Blurry Image on API 21+ : AppCompat v23.2.0 using VectorDrawables with srcCompat

How Do I Create Gradient Long Shadow For App Icon As Per Material Design Guidelines In VectorDrawables?

VectorDrawable: Invalid drawable tag gradient

Android Support Library: getDrawable independent if vector or not

Can we use VectorDrawable or VectorXML as icons for push notifications in android?