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webserver on an android hotspot - what's its IP?

Android : Stopping a Bonjour service left running after the parent process quit abrubtly

Android BroadcastReceiver for internet connection called twice

Getting IPv4 and IPv6 programatically of Android Device with non deprecated methods, both when on Wifi and when on Carier's network

How to distinguish between different wifi networks?

how to use retrofit 2 to send file and other params together

How to download String file which contain special characters of slovenia

Http Authentication in android using volley library

How to stay connected through mobile network after WIFI is connected on Android?

Android VOIP applications behavior in Doze mode

Android: What Audio Mode should be set to send receive voice between devices

Is it possible to throttle bandwidth when using OkHttp?

Why would URLConnection timeout after 6+ minutes instead of 5 seconds?

How to save listview in android and fetch it back when required?

How to enable Android O WiFi Hotspot programmatically

How to return response header field to main method using Google Volley for HTTP GET request in Android / Java?

Assign static IP address for Wifi network on Android 3.x and 4.x

Upload and Download rate profiling in Android [closed]

Square's Retrofit response parsing logic: streaming?