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really confused with setPreviewCallback in Android, need advice

Which size should a background be for ldpi, mdpi, hdpi and xhdpi screens?

android stroke with multi color start , middle and end color

Rotation to an ImageView, inside a RelativeLayout

listview normal and hover background style in android

multiple textview in a row

Why doesn't the layout stick with the weight specified?

Android Fragment behaving weird

Android UI with no buttons?

How to hide last activity view in android recent list? Using a locker screen implementation

View can not be cast in to ViewGroup in android layout

android android-layout

I want to add my own style pop-up dialogue box in my android app as shown in image [duplicate]

Why is my layout completely redrawing when I invalidate one of it's views?

android android-layout

Add dots to TextView like in the receipt

Button array onclicklistener

android android-layout

Problems adding new AdMob to android app

Notification on View added to parent?

How to set LinearLayout HORIZONTAL using C# Xamarin

samsung note 2 and note 3 screen bucket

Why is setText() not working in the following code on the TextView?