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New posts in android-6.0-marshmallow

How to send a high-priority GCM?

Android M : Billing and GCM permissions

Capture image without permission with Android 6.0

Android 6 getAccountName() Missing android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS

How to read selected mock location app in Android M - API 23

Since marshmallow update Bluetooth discovery using BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter().startDiscovery(); is broken

Could not open avd_name.avd/cache.img

Android 6(M) permission issue (create directory not working)

Get Current Location 0 in marshmallow where below 23 API its give exact current Location using fused Location

Colors of Profile GPU bars on Android M

listFiles() returns null on Android 6.0 emulator

Android: register new PhoneAccount for telecom

Read and Write permission for storage and gallery usage for marshmallow

Android Draw behind Status bar but not behind the navigation bar

Wakelock and doze mode

Doze mode and App Standby

Application crashes only in release version

"You cannot change private secure settings" - how to toggle ringtone vibration in Android 6?

Displaying images from SDCard in a Widget from MarshMallow