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Could not open avd_name.avd/cache.img

When i run emulator, i get the following error:

Cannot launch AVD in emulator.

Output: Hax is enabled qemu-system-x86_64.exe: -drive if=none,index=1,id=cache,file={path_to_SDK}\SDK.android\avd{AVD_name}.avd/cache.img: could not open disk image {path_to_SDK}\SDK.android\avd{AVD_name}.avd/cache.img:

Could not open '{path_to_SDK}\SDK.android\avd{AVD_name}.avd/cache.img':

Invalid argument

Hax ram_size 0x40000000

HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode. Error accepting connection, aborting

AVD specs are:

OS: Android 6.0 Google APIs


Resolution: 1440x2560

Running on Android Studio 2.0 Beta 6, Windows 10.

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Malwinder Singh Avatar asked Feb 29 '16 13:02

Malwinder Singh

3 Answers

Keep an eye out for a background qemu-system-i386.exe process running in the background that will be locking the cache.img file.

Windows Task Manager - Background Emulator Process

This might be still running from a previously failed emulator launch. Kill that using Task Manager and start again.

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Dave Tyler Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 09:11

Dave Tyler

I had the same problem already twice since I upgraded to Android Studio 2.0 on Windows 10. I use a preferred emulator in the Run/Debug configuration. Changing the Deployment Target Options in the configuration to Target: Show Device Chooser Dialog solved it for me. After choosing the same emulator instance in the dialog it started with no problem. Then I change back to the preferred emulator setting. Until the next time it breaks...

Hoping this helps.

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sw-dev Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 08:11


I faced the same problem in Windows 10.

Clearing temp and %temp% folder followed by a restart of machine solved my problem.

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pallav bohara Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 09:11

pallav bohara