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New posts in allocator

What is the difference betwwen the older alloctaor::construct and the new one and explicit constructor?

c++ allocator

Standard C++ code for serialization/deserialization purposes

Is there a C++ allocator that respects an overridden new/delete?

c++ allocator new-operator

Are C++11 stateful allocators interchangeable across type boundaries?

c++ c++11 allocator

Non-Boost STL allocator for inter-process shared memory?

Idiom for obeying propagate_on_copy_assignment in Container without allocator

c++ c++11 vector allocator

How does std::list allocate nodes vs. elements

c++ allocator stdlist

std::unique_ptr<T[]> and custom allocator deleter

Why does `polymorphic_allocator` take a `memory_resource` pointer and not a reference?

Standard library facilities which allocate but don't use an Allocator

malloc/free based STL allocator

c++ stl allocator

Container optimization: Why are STL container method arguments no longer using allocator::const_reference typedef?

SSE and C++ containers

compiler support for stateful allocators in STL containers

Converting between vectors with different allocators

c++ c++11 allocator

Custom allocator for std::vector<char> is ignored

c++ c++11 allocator

Unable to use custom allocator with allocate_shared/make_shared

How to use STL-compliant allocators for heterogeneous memory allocations

Fast move assignment with Howard Hinnant's short_alloc

Why do tuples have uses_allocator but pairs don't?

c++ c++11 allocator