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New posts in allocator

How to use std::scoped_allocator_adapter?

std::align and std::aligned_storage for aligned allocation of memory blocks

c++ c++11 alignment allocator

Custom allocator performance

What is a void `std::allocator`? ie: `std::allocator<void>`

c++ ros allocator

Using tcmalloc/jemalloc with custom memory pool manager

c memory allocator tcmalloc

Is there something similar to the copy-and-swap idiom when allocators are involved?

c++ c++11 allocator

using std::unique_ptr with allocators

c++ unique-ptr allocator

Can I use a custom allocator for std::array for secure cryptographic keys?

What does it mean for an allocator to be stateless?

c++ stl allocator

mismatched std::allocator for some of STL containers

std::map standard allocator performance versus block allocator

Use of std::allocator_traits<A>

c++ allocator

Can I assume allocators don't hold their memory pool directly (and can therefore be copied)?

c++ c++11 allocator stateful

Does an allocation hint get used?

c++ allocator

Type-erased allocators in modern C++

Is there an allocator that uses alloca and is otherwise C++ STL compliant?

c++ stl stack allocator alloca

Second argument to std::vector

c++ vector allocator

Why does `std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator` not propagate on container move?

c++ c++17 allocator

What are allocators and when is their use necessary? [closed]

c++ stl allocator