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New posts in agda

Pattern match on specialised constructors

types agda

Termination of structural induction

Haskell Deriving Mechanism for Agda

haskell signature agda

Is it possible to derive induction for the church-encoded Nat?

Implementing Total Parsers in Idris Based on a Paper on Agda

Trouble to understand Agda's Coinduction

agda coinduction

How do I handle the higher inductive cases when defining functions on HITs?

Avoiding extensionality postulate when defining non-unary functions over quotient types


How to implement Floyd's Hare and Tortoise algorithm in Agda?

Agda's standard library Data.AVL.Sets containing Data.String as values


How can finite numbers work? (dependent types)

agda dependent-type idris

Converting Haskell code to Agda

haskell agda

How to define real number in agda?

agda dependent-type

What can Coq do while Agda/Idris can't do?

coq agda idris

Equality testing without explicit proof that data constructors are injective

Is it possible to type `min` in a normalizing theory such as System-F or the Calculus of Constructions?