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New posts in agda

Derivatives of data structures in Agda

What are cumulative universes and `* : *`?

Agda: run function for Conor's stack example


Is the evaluation strategy of Agda specified anywhere?

lazy-evaluation agda

Agda-like programming in Coq/Proof General?

Type Hierarchy in Agda

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How to map Type to Value in Idris/Agda/Coq?

coq agda idris dependent-type

Agda: parsing nested lists

Modeling the ST monad in Agda

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What exactly makes a type system consistent?

Name for a type constructor that is both a category and a monad?

Why do Calculus of Construction based languages use Setoids so much?

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≡-Reasoning and 'with' patterns


What are sized types in Agda?

Use Agda's input method in other emacs mode?

Is Agda without K less powerful?

Is it possible to get hold of free theorems as propositional equalities?


How can I establish a bijection between a tree and its traversal?

agda idris

Recursion Schemes in Agda

Haskell's Arrow-Class in Agda and -> in Agda

haskell agda arrows