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New posts in agda

Can I use inductive type families in Cubical Agda?

Arity-generic programming in Agda

What does \forall (∀) actually mean in a signature?

agda dependent-type

Does Idris have an equivalent to Agda's `_` expressions?

Proving `T b` when `b` is already matched on

boolean agda inspect

Equality on dependent record types

agda dependent-type

How are the equational reasoning operators used in practice?


Implicit length arguments in fixed-length-vector-functions in Agda

Problems with using of dependent pairs in Agda

agda dependent-type

Making an Agda program output to the console

io main agda

Why we cannot pattern match on Set/Type in Coq/Agda/Idris?

coq idris agda

Agda: parse a string with numbers

agda dependent-type

Proof assistant for mathematics only

If two things are not not equal, are they equal?

Known pattern match in agda

haskell agda

Agda: Reading a line of standard input as a String instead of a Costring

io agda

Can Idris infer indices in types of top-level constants?

type-inference agda idris

Termination checking in functional programs

Defining non-unary functions in Cubical mode

Termination check on list merge
