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New posts in agda

Agda: my code doesn't type check (how to get implicit arguments right?)

haskell agda dependent-type

refl in agda : explaining congruence property

equality agda

How to compare two sets in Agda?

Agda: Pair of vectors that have the same length

haskell agda

Is it possible to create a type-level representation of generic ADTs?

Agda: how does one obtain a value of a dependent type?

agda dependent-type

What's a good way to represent free groups?

agda dependent-type idris

How to get syntax declarations to be used by case splitting

emacs agda

Why does the Agda typechecker crash on this program

Does Idris have an equivalent to Agda's ↔

list equality agda idris

Types are erased before run time

Partial function in Coq / underdefined?

Installing Agda onto Windows 7


What is the exact difference between Fix and Self on the Calculus of Constructions?

How to use Prop from UTT in Agda

agda dependent-type

Type hierarchy definition in Coq or Agda

coq agda

How Agda determines a type is impossible

agda dependent-type