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Delphi 6, ADO, MS database "Date" field is same as ftWideString

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How could i limit and slow down my local SQL Express for test purpose?

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Msado60_Backcompat crashes in CCommand::CreateParameter


Compact An Access Database

What is the most efficient way to access the value of a field in an ADO recordset?

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usage differences between _variant_t, COleVariant, CComVariant, and VARIANT and using SAFEARRAY variations

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How to retrieve all errors and messages from a query using ADO

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What does the "Cannot change the ActiveConnection property of a Recordset object which has a Command object as its source" error mean?

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Excel-Access ADO Update Values

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Using Stored Procedure in Classical ASP .. execute and get results

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How to get the next identity number used in SQL Server 2005 and ASP?

Why does ADO Next record processing slow down in Delphi?

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C++ importing and using ADO

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Insert data into database [Delphi]

sql database delphi ado

"Must declare the variable @myvariable" error with ADO parameterized query

Linq 2 SQL or Linq Entities

How do I insert 800000 records into an MS Access table?

Why is my code so slow?

SQL native client data type compatibility - incompatible with SQLOLEDB

vbscript vb6 ado sqlncli