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New posts in active-directory

LDAP user authentication across trusted domains

Is there a way to enable referral chasing for UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity()?

How can I query if a user of one domain is a member of a group in another AD domain?

Getting a users's groups in Active Directory

Verify AD or LDAP crendentials via REST API

Get Azure Active Directory Token with username and password

What permissions do I have to delegate in order to set UserCannotChangePassword in Active Directory through a C# UserPrincipal

Keycloak: How to make authentication automatic for logged-in Windows user?

Spring Ldap Impact of Microsoft Security Advisory ADV190023 (LDAP channel binding and LDAP signing)

How can I configure Microsoft ADAM to be similar to Active Directory?

active-directory ldap adam

Why can't the Active Directory server be contacted via PrincipalContext?

c# active-directory

Is there a C# library that behaves like Active Directory's Permissions and Groups?

How can I ensure that IsInRole checks are not using cached credentials

Java process for authentication on Windows against AD (kerberos)

How to determine if logged on windows account has been authenticated on domain [duplicate]

ASP.NET MVC: How to setup web.config for LDAP authentication?

ColdFusion 10 Active Directory Authentication

Extend UserPrincipal class

Get active directory computers of specific group using "memberOf" attribute using C#

c# active-directory

AD Group authorisation in MVC5 web app