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New posts in active-directory

Time lag in changes to Active Directory security groups and User Roles

How can I get a custom field from Active Directory in C#?

c# active-directory

Authentication against Active Directory with C++ on Linux

How would someone who is not the part of windows group or active directory access the TFS projects?

How to set property value through an attribute tag name using reflection?

Connecting flex/php to Active Directory

Using Active Directory Web Services in .Net application

Create an instance of DirectoryEntry for use in test

DirectoryServicesCOMException (0x80072020) when using Active Directory from ASP.NET application

How to use active Directory for ASP.Net 5 (MVC6) Intranet application

figure out a long term solution for both file sharing and distributing documents from classroom to all the students

How can i implement a role-hierarchy in an asp.net mvc app using activedirectorymembershipprovider

Recordset only returning 1000 records

Is Active Directory Really LDAP-Compliant?

active-directory ldap

Programmatically access to TFS 2010 from outside the domain

Strange intermittent error handling bug when calling UserPrinciapl.GetGroups in System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

Azure Active Directory: Get user's UPN with OpenID Connect authentication

IdentityServer4 with Active Directory as an Identity Provider for SSO

Run script on Active Directory change

redirect_uri_mismatch Azure AD B2C with angular using MSAL