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Inject object as lazy loading

Object instance valid only for the current method

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Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040111 (CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE)

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.NET TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetDaylightChanges returns wrong DST for 2005

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cpu time consumed by a process and its threads

How to remove any utf8mb4 characters in string

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Throw error when unknown property found in input API request?

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StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase efficiency with multiple calls in .NET

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Determine Facility Code and Card Number from ATR in C#

Strange execution jump when using async/await and System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel

Passing Data From C++ to C#

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Loading assemblies from memory when hosting the CLR in unmanaged programs

How to add two time span values having negative sign in c#?

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MVC - System.Threading.ThreadAbortException in a parallel task

Birthdays Reminder Code for Asp.Net MVC

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Use using to dispose resources

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How to create a Task which always yields?

Why is the CTRL+A shortcut disabled on Multiline-enabled TextBox controls in C#?

Creating a Property with Browsable, Expandable Fields

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Why does iterating a Hashtable with `For Each` not work in VBScript?

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