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New posts in .net-standard

NET Standard vs Net Core App: when creating .NET Core Project (using console or class library)

Why is this NuGet dependency missing when compiling .NET Framework project depending on .NET Standard?

Using .net standard 1.5 lib in .net 4.6.2 misses System.Runtime

Create a table if it does not exist?

How to create .NET Standard NuGet package with minimal dependencies in VS 2017?

Where are the MethodBuilder, ModuleBuilder and AssemblyBuilder in dotnet core?

.net-core .net-standard

Reference a .NETStandard 2.0 project from UWP project

c# xamarin uwp .net-standard

Visual Studio 2017 won't load .NET Framework references in .NET Standard library

Missing .NET Standard 2.0 Framework with latest .NET Core SDK 2.2.1, .NET Framework 4.7.2, VS2017 15.9.3

Error referencing Net Standard from Net 4.6.1 / 4.7

c# asp.net .net .net-standard

How to Reference Microsoft.VisualBasic in a .Net Standard Class Library?

How to create .NET Platform Standard project

Why is client-side Blazor using .NET Standard 2.0 and how to use .NET Core 3.0 with Blazor?

How to get memory available or used in C# .net core / .net standard

System.Web.Services namespace in .net core

.net-core .net-standard

Migrating .NET Framework 4.6.2 to .NET Standard 2.0 [closed]

.net-core .net-standard

.Net standard version for .Net core 2.2

Reference a .NET 5.0 assembly from a full framework project?

.net wpf .net-standard .net-5

Add build number to package version with `dotnet pack` in VSTS Build process

Automatically publish a NuGet package built with VS2017