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New posts in .net-standard-2.0

Which HttpRequest class to use in .netstandard 2?

Visual studio conditional compilation for os

An error from Azure DevOps Build: Could not locate the assembly "System.ComponentModel.Annotations"

Azure Functions DocumentClient could not load type from assembly exception

How do I expose a .netstandard2.0 library with COM for use in VB6?

ASP.Net Core 2 Unable to resolve service for type

Is IAsyncEnumerable supported in C# 8.0?

Upgrading Xamarin Forms to .Net Standard 2

Reading app.config from .NET Standard 2.0 library

Using .NET Standard 2.0 with Mono

c# .net mono .net-standard-2.0

Xamarin Forms Project with netstandard: can't build UWP

Multiple DLLs from referenced .NET Standard projects

Incompatible .NET Standard assemblies that should have been compatible?

netstandard 2.0 does not have AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile


What information is logged by IdentityModel when ShowPii is set to true?

Visual studio 2017 go to implementation not work for .net standard library